Wednesday, October 20, 2010

dear school

you are weighing me down with work and i don't like it.
i don't know if i can handle you, school. you're annoying me a lot these days!
i have no free time to myself, and you require way too much.
if we were in a relationship, this is the part where i'd dump your sorry ass.
i haven't felt totally exhausted in a long time... today i came home and slept for over 3 hours straight.
exhausted i tell you!
you're such a bitch, and i hate you.
i swear, if your older brother university is just like you, i'm gonna be PISSED OFF.
but i think me and university would get along, since we have common interests; we'd pick a course we both enjoy :)
anyway, i don't like the fact that 4 A-Levels means i should just live on a desk, writing until the end of time.
you know what you need, school?
you need a little room where we can go get massages.


  1. 4 As wow thats a lot u should take 2 or 3 i thought u were A2?

  2. yeah i'm taking A2 courses, but i'm taking 4 of them! it's not that bad, but it just requires a lot of commitment.
